In an effort to help consumers make smarter marketing decisions, our SEO resources will help guide you through many of the obstacles a business will face.
For small, local businesses, it can be hard to keep track of what websites are important to maintain. Between Facebook, Twitter, and a blog, it can seem like there are just too many pages that need to be updated. But even though you feel like you just don’t have the time, each page has its […]
“Quite often new website developers ask which platform is better for SEO: WordPress, Squarespace, or Showit? Although the question seems simple enough, the answer is far more complex than simply stating one platform works better than the other. Each offers their own set of benefits to users, especially when it comes to SEO. To begin, […]
Facebook Live broadcasts are believed to captivate viewers for longer spans of time than any other form of online video content. They also tend to generate more comments and a greater level of engagement overall. As such, these feeds can be used to drive massive amounts of traffic to your pages and increase your conversion […]
Storytelling has the ability to build memories, incite the development of powerful and positive connections, and get people to engage. It is certainly no wonder then, that many of the world’s top marketers are currently using storytelling as part of their outreach. Following are five, impressive benefits that using a strong narrative to connect with […]